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Skin Care Travel Tips: Look Your Best While On the Go

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Skin Care Travel Tips: Look Your Best While On the Go

It's a given that we always want to look our best. And vacation time is no different. Whether you are racing around ruins, planted poolside, or somewhere in between, don’t let less-than-lovely skin put a damper on your travels. Following are the biggest travel-related saboteurs of stunning skin—and the skin care solutions you need to sport beautiful, healthy skin no matter where you are.


Skin that lacks moisture looks dull and dry, and lacks the suppleness and soft glow that we seek. There is much about travel that leads to dehydration: arid destinations (deserts, mountains), pressurized airplane cabins, disrupted sleep schedules, time changes, increased activity levels, chlorinated pools, and much more. The first step in keeping skin hydrated and refreshed is to tackle the problem from the inside. Drink plenty of water. You may need more than you think to maintain healthy skin if any of the items listed above apply.

Interrupted Skin Care Rituals

Whether you are staying out too late and simply too tired to wash your face before climbing between the sheets, or you’re getting up late, throwing on a hat, and running out the door, your face can suffer the consequences. While it might be a challenge to keep up with your normal skin care routine during travel, you can take a minimalist’s approach and just try to stick with your skin care basics (cleanse/moisturize/protect with sunscreen).

Poor nutrition

Vacation is a time to treat yourself. You might be indulging in new and exciting foods, or maybe just some old favorites that are saved for special times. Sugar, dairy, alcohol, and processed foods, however, are not friends to your complexion. It’s okay to enjoy delicious foods during your travels, but your skin will thank you if you do so in moderation and balance treats with healthy skin foods. Enjoy fresh, antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables; healthy-fat foods, such as avocados and salmon; and protein-packed lean meats.

Lack of sleep

Sleep is a healing time for the body. When you sleep your skin cells grow and repair. In fact, your whole body rejuvenates. Vacations can disturb our normal sleep patterns. For some, the problem lies with getting too little sleep. For others, vacation might mean napping all day. Either way, our skin is affected. If you are part of the first group, avoid the allure of caffeine—especially in the form of sweet, sugary drinks—which simply exacerbates the problem, causing dehydration and curbing your appetite for healthier foods. If you are in the second group, you could find that you are experiencing the saggy skin that comes from a breakdown in skin cells observed in over-sleepers. Try to get an adequate amount of rest and pay attention to your nutrition and water intakes to promote healthy skin.


The sun is the number one culprit of damaged skin. It’s great to be in the outdoors, but make sure you are protecting your fragile skin. Wear sunscreen with an SPF of 30 and make sure it blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Reapply if you are involved in especially rigorous activities where you are sweating or in water. Add a hat and long sleeves while participating in outside activities.

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