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DMSO: Benefits & Uses

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DMSO Treatment Relieves Joint & Muscle Pain

In 2015, the world lost a good man: Stanley Jacob, MD. Dr. Jacob was the world authority on dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the first to introduce this compound to the medical/scientific community many decades ago.

DMSO is an inexpensive and exceptionally versatile therapy. For starters, it’s one of the few compounds that can be administered orally, intravenously, intramuscularly, or topically.

Rubbed on the skin—the most common method of use—it is quickly absorbed into the deeper tissues. And when it’s mixed with other substances, DMSO efficiently delivers them into the underlying area where they’re needed. DMSO treatments can improve penetration of antifungals when treating stubborn toenail fungus and also enhance absorption of topical pain-relieving drugs.

But DMSO is much more than a carrier—it’s a potent anti-inflammatory in its own right that helps relieve any kind of joint or muscle pain.

Why is it so effective? DMSO is rich in sulfur, one of the most abundant elements in your body. Sulfur plays a role in the formation of muscle, skin, hair and nails and is a major building block of collagen, the connective tissue that makes up cartilage. In fact, studies show that cartilage afflicted with degenerative arthritis contains subnormal levels of this important element.

Sulfur has also been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, and to this day, health-seekers around the world flock to the rejuvenating waters of natural sulfur springs. The warm, mineral-rich waters relieve chronic inflammation and pain, facilitate healing, and improve function and range of motion. Since most of us don’t have sulfur hot springs in our backyards, DMSO is a great alternative for restoring sulfur levels and relieving pain.

DMSO also has a number of other applications. It’s used to preserve organs and tissues awaiting transplant, and to protect embryos and stem cells during freezing and long-term storage. It is also an FDA-approved treatment for interstitial cystitis, a painful and chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder wall. Intravenous infusions of DMSO can effectively treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders, degenerative diseases of the eye, and some types of cancer.

DMSO Treatment Success Stories

Patient and subscriber success stories along with my own personal experiences illustrate the many beneficial uses of DMSO. Here are a few of these stories:

"I am a registered nurse who is very familiar with the drugs available for pain. Recently, I fell and injured my left shoulder. For a while, I used mainstream painkillers to no avail. The pain continued and caused me considerable grief. I began researching my past Health & Healing newsletters and came across an article on DMSO treatment. I purchased topical DMSO at the local health food store, and I was genuinely amazed how immediately my shoulder pain was alleviated. After only three applications the pain was gone. I now keep DMSO in my medicine cabinet—I would not be without it." — Deborah B., Sidney, British Columbia

"Years ago, I got a bee in my bonnet to ride a bicycle across the United States. Although I had trained for months ahead of time, during the first week on the trail I was really hurting. (The first leg through the Cascade Mountains in Washington was actually the hardest of the entire trip.) My knees ached so much that I doubted I could finish the first week, let alone the whole 3,000 miles. I looked up a vet in the phone book of a small town in Washington and asked for some DMSO. He obliged, I rubbed it on my knees, got back on my bike, and 10 weeks later cycled into Washington, DC." — Julian Whitaker, MD

"For the better part of a decade, I suffered from hemorrhoids. I was living on commercial creams and had to have minor surgery repeatedly. So I decided to try a colloidal silver/DMSO solution (9:1 ratio). After a few days of using this solution, the pain resolved, the swelling subsided, and the hemorrhoids went away! Since then, I may have a little pain two or three times a year, but one application is usually sufficient to take care of it. It has been several years now, and as far as I can tell, the problem is completely cured." — J.M., Oregon

Reap the Benefits of DMSO

DMSO creams can be found in health-food stores and online. To avoid skin irritation, I recommend using a 70 percent concentration. To use, simply rub a small amount into the affected area until absorbed. Repeat the DMSO treatment two or three times a day as needed.

DMSO is very safe, but it does have a downside: its smell. DMSO’s sulfur compounds can cause a very strong, garlicky odor, particularly when used intravenously.  But don’t let that dissuade you from trying it. The smell shouldn’t be a problem, however, if you rub a little into an aching joint or muscle from time to time.

Dr. Julian Whitaker

Meet Dr. Julian Whitaker

For more than 30 years, Dr. Julian Whitaker has helped people regain their health with a combination of therapeutic lifestyle changes, targeted nutritional support, and other cutting-edge natural therapies. He is widely known for treating diabetes, but also routinely treats heart disease and other degenerative diseases.

More About Dr. Julian Whitaker