
Crominex 3+ Chromium Supports Blood Sugar & Key Heart Markers

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I have long recommended taking chromium for blood sugar, since keeping your blood glucose levels in the normal range is extremely important for your heart and overall health.

But recently I’ve been intently following the emerging research on a special form of chromium called Crominex® 3+ that goes beyond blood sugar support. Like other forms of chromium, it does support healthy blood sugar. But it can also make a real measurable difference in other critical heart markers—from CRP (a healthy inflammatory marker), to triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and more. It is (hands down!) one of the biggest nutrient discoveries for your heart since CoQ10.

What Exactly Is Crominex 3+?

Crominex 3+ is a special form of chromium blended with Amla fruit extract (Indian Gooseberry), and purified shilajit (a mineral rich compound)—so it’s completely safe and isn’t known to oxidize like other forms of chromium can.

Crominex 3+ is also more bioavailable than other forms of chromium, so it’s easier for your body to absorb. Plus, it gives you greater heart health benefits than you would get with chromium alone, including support for cholesterol, triglycerides, CRP, endothelial function, and other key heart markers.

Highly Studied, with Impressive Clinical Results

In a 12-week placebo-controlled clinical study with 60 participants, those given 400 mcg of Crominex 3+ (versus the placebo) had significant improvements in several important heart markers, including:

  • 55.8% decrease in CRP, a key inflammatory marker: versus a 2.1% increase for the placebo group. (This is extremely important for heart health!)
  • 27.3% increase in HDL cholesterol: versus .3% for the placebo group.
  • 27.7% decrease in LDL cholesterol: versus a 3.6% increase for the placebo group.
  • 25.4% decrease in triglycerides: versus a .5% increase for the placebo group.
  • 21.7% increase in glutathione, your body’s master antioxidant: versus a 1.9% increase for the placebo group.
  • 3.9% increase in endothelial function, the cells responsible for healthy blood flow: versus a 1.4% decrease for the placebo group.

Other studies have shown similar positive results on key heart markers. Researchers have also found that Crominex 3+ helped to increase nitric oxide production for blood vessel health. 

Plus, Crominex 3+ helps your body to process glucose (blood sugar) for healthy glycemic control which is very important for your heart. That’s because you want glucose entering your cells as efficiently as possible, so it can be burned for energy—fueling the cells in your body, including your heart, which is a big energy user in your body. 

Dr. Stephen Sinatra

Meet Dr. Stephen Sinatra

Dr. Stephen Sinatra is a highly respected and sought-after cardiologist and nutritionist with more than 30 years of clinical practice, research, and study. His integrative approach to heart health focuses on reducing inflammation in the body and maximizing the heart's ability to produce and use energy.

More About Dr. Stephen Sinatra