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All Dr. Sinatra® Articles
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs) promote optimal heart health by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels, thereby decreasing your risk of heart disease. OPCs also promote optimal eye health and overall health.
Top Heart Healing Herbs and Spices
7 min. read
Dr. Stephen Sinatra discusses his favorite healing herbs and spices. Learn about the benefits you can receive from your herb garden and spice cabinet.
Why Trans Fats Affect Your Heart
2 min. read
Discover how foods with trans fat lead to high cholesterol, which foods you need to avoid, and why you can't trust packaging labels to tell the whole story.
Discover why multivitamins are especially protective for women with cardiovascular disease, significantly reducing the risk of death and the nutrients Dr. Sinatra recommends for women.
Learn how seanol antioxidants help promote heart health, lower LDL cholesterol, increase protective HDL cholesterol, decrease triglyceridesl and more!
The Health Benefits of Avocados
2 min. read
Learn the many health benefits of avocados, including healthy fat content, as well as a delicious and nutritious recipe recommended by Dr. Stephen Sinatra.
How Painful Joints Can Affect Your Heart
2 min. read
Find out how painful joints can affect your heart and quality of life, and the best natural, effective nutritional supplements to treat your chronic joint pain.
Dr. Sinatra explains everything you need to know about statin drugs, including the side effects, how they work, and who benefits from them the most.
Surgery for a Carotid Artery Blockage
2 min. read
Find out more about when surgery for a carotid artery blockage is recommended by Dr. Stephen Sinatra, and the symptoms you should be most concerned about.
Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Go Beyond Statins
1 min. read
Learn more about bile acid sequestrants, cholesterol-lowering drugs that can be prescribed instead of statins, and the pros and cons of taking these drugs.
Dr. Sinatra explains the best way to cope with stress and spare your heart. You must respect your feelings, he says, because your feelings are the truth. Learn more about Dr. Sinatra's holistic approach to stress management and heart health.
Can a Flu Vaccine Stop Heart Disease?
2 min. read
New research says that a flu vaccine could reduce your chance of a heart attack by 50%. But before you rush out to get a flu shot, get all the facts. Is getting a flu vaccine the best choice for you?
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